Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Life is running folks & Folks are running their own life - which one moves INDIA to be developed country

Here it is fuelled..

I hope as every indian who is working or studying in abroad definitely think atleast once a time about "when will india become developed nation?" like their present living country(which is definitely be a developed country ). I am the one amongst them and now asking myself why are you being a part of the people who is lifting the developed nation to well developed nation - thought of fate. No, absolutely not but planned well to earn more money and be happy.Isn't it?

If think deeper in the issue, its not the only reason of leaving the country. What are the other issues..


# To escape from the corruption.

# To be far from the congestion & traffic everywhere.

# Politics in everything.. even in a standing queue to pay bill, or to buy etc..

# Robbery, Murder, Rape. All in one word - Lack of safety & security .

# Lack of encouragement of their desired things to achieve, bla.. bla..

Who are all these folks - Managing well "how to escape from these worries". Aren't they?

Finally, what it makes the person who is studying or working in abroad?

Wanna get out of those bad things and will settle in their working country itself for life time. It will not end here. Their next generation may ask questions like where is india located, if they once visit our country which will make them to raise the question their parents, "how do you used to live there"?. WILL IT HAPPEN.. WON'T IT?

These peoples comes to the category - "Life is running folks".

- They are forced to get & taste what they can get but not what they desire to get.

- They missed their friends & relations.

- Their lifestyle has changed, their food has changed, their own identity has changed, atlast they lost their address in their own country.

- These folks live "LIFE AS IT GIVES".

The one who is struggling all the difficulties in their daily life in India.

-The only simple thing for these category folks is "They fight for what they want & desire to get".

- These folks "LIVING THEIR OWN LIFE".

Let us come to the conclusion now:

Who is making our nation to become developed nation?


1. Folks living in our country.

2. Folks settled in abroad.

3. Both.

4. None.

The choice is yours friends..


+ Let living in our country doesn't only make our nation to be developed one. A lot of things are there for arguing in the issue. But as per my knowledge these are the main factors to be considered now.

+ Atleast being a part of the developing nation is as good as compared to be away from the country.

With Love,
